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Happy new year – 2021


Well, this has been a busy year for me personally. I was unable to release new versions of Transposh in the needed frequency, and changes that happened in the wordpress framework has caused parts of the plugin to malfunction.

I will be updating the plugin soon. As there are several issues that are currently bothering users that have upgraded to a more recent wordpress. The first being a deprecation of old jQuery functions, causing the lazy loader used by the plugin not to function properly. This will probably get fixed by either replacing the lazy loader or canceling this feature. The arguments are divided between the different approaches. When Transposh was conceived, loading a useless script of 100k seemed a bit much, but the internet has since progressed in speed. And I am not really sure if people even bother to optimize their sites any more. The lazy loaders for jQuery which support CSS files are also rather rare, and nothing new has been released for a few years.

The second major issue was the usage of jQueryUI as the dialog platform that the plugin relies on. jQueryUI development has also been extremely quiet for the last few years. And I was unable to find a suitable dialog alternative. The need to change approach completely or write some dialog component of my own is another very large task. I will probably just make it work again. But this quick-glue solution will have to change.

I want to thank everyone who has been supportive of the plugin and its development in the last decade. This is what makes me keep supporting the plugin.

See you with a new release that fixes most bugs soon. And I share the global hope that 2021 will be better than 2020.

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